Welcome to Tide Together Matchmaking! This form provides information about the services you will receive: Please review it carefully, and feel free to ask any questions.


Client: Refers to an individual who accesses or uses the paid services provided by Tide Together Matchmaking, whether as a registered user or a guest.

Coaching: refers to personalized guidance and support provided by Tide Together Matchmaking to enhance Clients’ dating experiences. This includes, but is not limited to, advice, strategies, and feedback aimed at improving social interactions, communication skills, confidence, and relationship readiness.

Matchmaking: Refers to the personalized service provided by Tide Together Matchmaking to facilitate introductions and connections between individuals seeking romantic partnerships. This service includes assessing Client preferences, conducting searches for compatible matches, arranging dates, and providing guidance and support throughout the dating process.

Introduction Candidate
: Refers to an individual identified and suggested by Tide Together Matchmaking as a potential match for a client seeking romantic partnership. The Introduction Candidate may be suggested based on compatibility assessments, client preferences, and the Matchmaking expertise of Tide Together Matchmaking.

Purpose: Tide Together Matchmaking is in the business of providing services to individuals to facilitate the Client meeting other people (Introduction Candidates) for the purpose of entering into a long-term relationship. Tide Together Matchmaking also provides Coaching services related to relationships and dating aimed at personal growth and development.

Terms of Service:

Tide Together Matchmaking is a privately owned professional Matchmaking and Coaching service. Clients are selected only after an extensive interview and screening process. We reserve the right to deny service to any applicant for any reason. Not all individuals will qualify for the range of services offered by Tide Together Matchmaking.

Matchmaking: Upon purchasing a Matchmaking package, completing a comprehensive questionnaire, and/or consenting to inclusion in the dating database, the applicant affirms being at least eighteen (18) years of age and asserts their single, legally separated, divorced, or widowed status. Applicants for Matchmaking services provided by Tide Together Matchmaking are deemed Clients only upon Tide Together Matchmaking’s determination of the potential for service effectiveness. However, no explicit or implied guarantee is provided that a life partner can or will be secured. Outcomes may vary. If a Client is deemed inappropriate for the Matchmaking service prior to services starting, a refund will be issued. Payments are otherwise nonrefundable. Clients will allow Tide Together Matchmaking to conduct reasonable investigations with respect to any background and status information provided by themselves. The purchased Matchmaking package is for the Client’s sole, personal use only. You may not authorize others to participate in your Matchmaking package and you may not assign or otherwise transfer your account to any other person or entity. Matchmaking packages can be put on hold for a period of up to six (6) months upon agreement between Client and Tide Together Matchmaking. In order to place a hold on services, Client must contact Tide Together Matchmaking by email no less than seven (7) days prior to the hold date.

Coaching: You may collaborate with a Licensed Professional Counselor and may opt to engage in Coaching or educational services; however, these services do not serve as a replacement for therapy or mental health treatment. If you are experiencing mental health challenges, you agree to contact your designated mental health provider or dial 911 in case of an emergency or crisis. You will not reach out to your Dating Coach or Tide Together Matchmaking in the event of a mental health crisis or mental health emergency.

Conduct: Clients are required to uphold respectful behavior during and following each date, encompassing compliance with all pertinent state and Federal laws, as well as customary norms of conduct. Any behavior deemed unreasonable, threatening, obscene, harassing, indecent, or unlawful is strictly prohibited and may lead to termination of services. Ensuring relationship safety is paramount. Clients are not obliged to commit to any date or meeting that causes discomfort. There is no obligation to disclose personal contact information to Introduction Candidates. Following a date, Clients are obligated to promptly contact Tide Together Matchmaking to communicate either their interest in arranging a subsequent date or to request alternative Matchmaking options.

Complaints: To address any concerns or complaints regarding the Service, please promptly contact Tide Together Matchmaking via email.

Termination: Tide Together Matchmaking reserves the right to terminate your Client status in the event of non-compliance with the terms outlined in this Agreement or verbally communicated by members of Tide Together Matchmaking. Clients agree to provide accurate, current, and complete information about themselves and are responsible for keeping that information up to date. Clients acknowledge that if their information is untrue, inaccurate, not current, or incomplete in any respect, Tide Together Matchmaking reserves the right to terminate their use of any and all services. Termination will be conveyed through written notification to the Client. All payments are nonrefundable without exception, considering the time and expenses incurred in networking, recruitment, interviewing, screening, and meeting potential Introduction Candidates before and during the Client’s engagement with Tide Together Matchmaking.

Newsletter: By enrolling or expressing interest in our services, you consent to automatic subscription to our complimentary newsletter. To discontinue receipt, kindly follow the unsubscribe instructions located at the newsletter’s footer.

Disclaimers: Tide Together Matchmaking does not guarantee a successful Client experience but commits to exerting all necessary efforts to enhance the likelihood of such an outcome. The Client acknowledges that they shall not rely on any investigation or due diligence conducted by Tide Together Matchmaking regarding the background of any individual (Introduction Candidate) whom they may introduce to the Client. Tide Together Matchmaking explicitly disclaims any representation, warranty, or guarantee regarding the accuracy of statements made by or on behalf of any Introduction Candidate. The Company shall not be held liable for any inaccuracies in the description of an Introduction Candidate made by the Company, unless the Company had actual

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